

GlobalEmployees Blog

Tips to Manage Twitter Accounts

Twitter, like Facebook, is a free social networking and too some extent, a micro blogging site that helps an individual or an enterprise connect…

Innovation in Outsourcing

Outsourcing has evolved in terms of adoption of tools and taking the outsourcing relationships to the next level. Since outsourcing involves two parties, the…

Collaboration in Outsourcing

The story of outsourcing is one of enigma. The business of outsourcing has witnessed paramount changes and has, over the period of time, undergone…

Virtualization in Outsourcing

Michael Porter in 1985 very clearly explained value chain in terms of the enterprise architecture in his book, ‘Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior…

Just Hire A Flash Designer

As a tattoo designer I always wanted to start my own tattoo parlor, but never really had the gumption to start the venture.

History of IT Outsourcing in India

Well the wheel was invented long back, spokes and new layers were added, experiments were conducted with the base materials. The question now is…