
Content Writing: An Emerging Industry Vertical


Almost a decade back who would have thought that content writing would become such an inevitable part of any business. Right from process documentation to marketing communication, writing has become a specialized field so much so that it is now increasingly recognized as a separate industry vertical. Professionally, enterprises have realized that messaging requires certain core competencies, and cannot be accomplished by any other expert. For example- if a physician is asked to write on a certain medical process, then he or she would express it in a medical lingo. On contrary, a content writer would first understand it and then paraphrase it in a way for a larger audience that not necessarily understands the medical field.

The domain of content writing encompasses technical writing, content analysis, content development, instructional design, feature writing, SEO writing, documentation, business writing and SOP writing.  Each of these writing categories call for different skills-sets even thought they revolve around content writing. Clearly the difference lies in the nature of information that needs to be shared, the tone of writing, and the medium of communication. Therefore, while hiring a content writer for each of these content writing categories, it is important not to judge the writers on general parameters such grammar, and articulation skills. Business writing will call for the ability of understanding stock markets and statistics generated by market analysts. For technical writing, one should be capable of understanding technologies from the perspective of business. Most often, recruiters are of the view that a person who can write very good feature can also write about a technology in a required tone or a format. This, in reality, is a very dangerous assumption that can not only cost the company but can put a writer’s job at stake. Therefore, it is very important to get in touch with outsourcing agencies such as GlobalEmployees because they have a dedicated panel of recruitment specialists who understand the market requirements and accordingly tailor interviews that would map the skill sets with the hiring goals.

No content writer with articulation skills comes with ready first-hand knowledge of a particular domain. What I mean is that every writer at a fresher stage does not know about business or technology. Hitstars Casino Once recruited, the fresher has to be guided and that’s how one understands the need of a particular domain. Once a writer works in a same kind of writing business, he or she gains insight and moves on to become a specialist. These writers should never be hired for a different kind of writing business unless and until the writer has exceptional skills for communication and articulation. Recruiters cannot expect a creative and a feature writer to be successful when it comes to SOP writing, business writing or technical writing. Therefore, it is always best to contact outsourcing agencies like GlobalEmployees if you want to hire a content writer. Also, it is important to keep in mind that years of experience do not define the skill of writing. What defines is the understanding of a business domain. It is evident that a lot of analysis goes into hiring a good writer and therefore, one can safely conclude that content writing can be safely treated as a new industry vertical.


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