
Hire Content Writers at just $790 a month!

Content writing is a form of online writing that is closely linked to web marketing campaigns. It refers to creating the writings that we see on the websites. Content writers work according to brief that clients come up with, defining their tasks and SEO related requirements if any. The content writer will turn this brief into a finished document that is published on the target webpage. Content differs from journalism or conventional copywriting because content writing aims at achieving prominence on the web. 

Content writing is closely related to SEO marketing campaigns. It involves the composition of tightly focused texts that consist of a set of keywords or phrases that the marketers have researched. Quality content ensures that these keywords appear in the appropriate density. The text needs are fluent and clear and must be able to describe the product in concern. Poor quality content will never bring you a high search engine ranking. A large number of potential customers will not read it. The material has to be fluent and persuasive with integrated keywords, without compromising on readability.

How To Hire Content Writers With GlobalEmployees?

Find The Best Content Writers With Us, Take A Look!

Content Writer

2 Years Experience
Get At Just $790 a Month
Junior Content Writer With 2+ Years of Experience
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Content Writer

5 Years Experience
Get At Just $1090 a Month
Mid-Level Content Writer With 5+ Years of Experience
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Content Writer

10 Years Experience
Get At Just $1590 a Month
Experienced Content Writer With 10+ Years of Experience
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Who Are Content Writers?

Content writers are professional writers who produce engaging content for online use. They are internet-savvy writers who create articles, blog posts, and other written forms of web material. They typically create content for the Web, including sales copy, e-books, podcasts, and text for graphics. Content writers also use Web formatting tools such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and content management systems to produce their work. 

Sometimes, content writers might also have to make sure that the sites’ pages and content are connected. Employers must give them the responsibility for setting the overall tone of the site. Content writers perform these tasks by thorough research and deciding what information to include or exclude from the websites.

Content Writer Job Description

  • Researching industry-related topics.Writing clear marketing copies to promote product/services of the employer organization.
  • Preparing well-structured drafts using Content Management Systems.
  • Proofreading and editing blog posts before publication.
  • Submitting work to editors for input and approval.
  • Coordinating with marketing and design teams to illustrate articles.
  • Conducting simple keyword research.
  • Complying with SEO guidelines to increase web traffic.
  • Promoting content on social media.
  • Identifying customer needs and gaps in content.
  • Recommending new topics.
  • Ensuring holistic consistency in terms of style, fonts, images and tone.
  • Updating website content as and when needed.

Content Writing Requirements

  • Proven work experience as a Content Writer, Copywriter or similar role.
  • Portfolio of published articles.
  • Experience in researching multiple sources.
  • Familiarity with web applications.
  • Excellent writing and editing skills in English.
  • Hands-on experience with Content Management Systems.
  • Ability to meet deadlines.
  • Bachelors degree in Marketing, English, Journalism or related field.

Content Writing Skills

Adaptability: We often see that a lot of content falls flat because the tone and style do not fit the purpose of the brand. For example, a landing page should contain a copy that is short and can persuade the reader to take relevant action. On the other hand, a whitepaper is more likely to work best with more details to explain a more complex issue. In terms of tone, blog posts for a scientific equipment company targeting a more extensive range of health-conscious customers. To adapt more, you need to learn more styles and all of this together will make you more valuable as a content writer.

Strong Research Skills: Excellent research skills adds credibility and value to your content. It is essential to find trustworthy and interesting information from reliable online resources. Experts are great resources if you can get the right information with excellent interviewing skills. 

Solid Understanding about SEO: Great content writers stay on top of SEO trends because even the best content would be of no help if people cannot find it. You must know how to create SEO-friendly titles and descriptions, how to use keywords effectively, and how to keep up with Google’s latest algorithm changes.

Organizational Skills: To be a successful content writer, you need to maintain a calendar and keep track of your deadlines. Almost all smartphones have programs or applications that will help you organize your time. Missing deadlines sends a negative message to your customers. Also, editors will not get enough time to edit and proofread your content efficiently. You must prioritize your jobs and complete them on time.

Ardent Focus: Writing quality content requires ample focus which is hard to find. When you sit down to work, you need to get rid of distractions and focus on your tasks one after another. Sometimes, to warm up, you can begin with a few easy tasks before you get on with your larger projects.

Meeting Deadlines: Delivering high-quality content within the deadline your client has given shows that you are not only professional but also reliable. It shows proper time management which is necessary for realistic determination of how many jobs you can accept and reject and deliver on time.

Communication: Whenever you have queries about any particular assignment, inform your customer about it. Writing good content requires a connection, hence, you should always get in touch with your clients to clear your queries. When you communicate with your client, it must be in an official format. Proofread your message before sending and show courtesy.

Editing: Justice Brandeis once said, “There is no great writing, only great rewriting!” It is practically true. As a writer, you will always see that first drafts are rarely perfect. For editing, you require patience, discipline, and an eye for detail. Besides grammar, spelling and punctuation, you have to keep attention on redundant points and overused words. There is nothing to be surprised about if you end up spending more time on editing than writing. 

Quality Delivery: Your content has to be unique, engaging and grammatically correct. Ideally, when customers are reading articles, you want them to think that you are a superb writer. If you want more clients and higher-paying work deals, you will continuously have to deliver good quality writing. 

Staying in Demand: Being an excellent writer will be of no use if you do not keep yourself up-to-date with the latest trends. If you are not updated enough, your job opportunities will be limited. You need to join writing and freelance communities, improve your online profiles. You have to be comfortable with cold emailing, leveraging different social platforms and marketing your work samples. Maintaining an active presence on a few social platforms will get you writing jobs and also will help you make valuable contacts.

Tips On How To Build And Manage A Team Of Remote Content Writers?

Maintaining a successful marketing strategy for your business will need a consistent stream of fresh content that offers value. If you do not have a dedicated content writer, you can always opt for hiring a team of remote writers.

When you hire remote writers, you will have access to a vast talent pool of writers. You will save on overhead costs. Even though remote hiring comes with several benefits, managing a remote team of writers could come with several challenges.

Following is a list of suggestions on how to efficiently manage your remote team of content writers:

Come Up With a Content Strategy: Before you begin looking for content writers, you need to create an effective content strategy so that you can decide on the type and the number of writers you will need to hire. You will be able to stay focused on your long term goals. You first need to set the goals you want to achieve with your business plan. Try spending more time researching your target audience, their behaviors, need, and interests. Your research will help you decide on the type of content you want to publish. Every content that you produce must have a vivid purpose. Define the style, length and tone of the content and fix the number of posts you plan to publish every week. Spend some time evaluating your goals to identify the right content writers for your company.

Decide on the Number of Content Writers You Require: Once you have decided on the type of content you will need to publish, and how often you are going to post, you will have to determine the number of content writers you want to, and you need to hire. You could take a week and create your content. Once you do this, you will be able to calculate the time required to do the job. You must be able to accurately judge the number of writers you need because if you go wrong with the numbers, you will end up burdening them with too much work. Also, hiring too many writers will create a lot of idle time and waste your money.

Understand the Skills Required for This Job Role: Different content types require different writing skills. Keeping this in mind, you will have to pinpoint the right kind of writers for your company. You must find writers who can write for different audiences and strategies according to varying needs. Writers with experience in journalism can help present a compelling story of your company. Writers with experience of working at the copy desk or with a marketing agency can deliver sharp content. Even though the main thing you look for in a candidate is competent writing skills, you also have to look for industry knowledge and a basic understanding of SEO. Other skills you must look for are essential planning and organizational skills. Also, since your remote writers will be working without your supervision, you have to identify candidates who are self-disciplined and self-motivated enough to meet deadlines. Studies reveal that remote workers produce 13 per cent more of in-house employees.

Look For and Locate Experienced Writers: Finding the right writers may take some time, but patience in this part of the process will pay you out. Choosing the right writers will help you develop your content marketing strategy, drive traffic to your website, raise brand awareness and develop your authority. Do not rely much on freelance sites. The pricing might seem convenient, but the quality of writing might not satisfy you. Look for experienced writers who can deliver high-quality content suiting your needs. Experienced writers often have their websites which help you to review examples of their work and check whether their writing styles suit your needs. You can give your candidates an assignment to test their writing skills. You could provide them with a topic and basic guidelines for the article. Try checking their editing and proofreading skills also.

Team Management: Once you get yourself the right team of writers, you will realize that managing a remote team is quite different from managing a traditional in-house team. For instance, you cannot always instantly respond to questions. It can take a long time to give and receive feedback. Keeping track of your remote writer’s status and progress is the most challenging part of managing a remote team. You will have to compensate for their communication requirements via tools that can improve the efficiency of your organization.  

Centralized Communication System: Keep your focus on regular and effective communication with your remote team of content writers. They cannot practically see you every time they face a problem. Hence, you need to choose a centralized communication system that every employee can use. You can use team chat apps like Slack or Google Hangouts that will limit your use of email for correspondence. Consider using project management apps to organize tasks, track projects and set deadlines. Apps like Trello and Asana can help your team manage resources and responsibilities and finish projects to meet deadlines. Collaborative systems like Google Docs can help you to work on projects in real-time. It eliminates the need for tedious exchange of latest document versions via email. You also need to use video conferencing software for virtual meetings to brainstorm ideas and discuss projects.  

Define the Style Guide: All your content writers need to write in a consistent style. You have to establish rules and guidelines from beforehand to avoid misunderstandings with your remote writers. You need to create a style guide that will help your writers to develop structured, organized and professional content. You should mention the preferred spelling, punctuation, grammar, terminology, formatting, and design. Your style guide will help your writers stay on the same page. Every member of the team must have access to the guide at all times, and you should keep updating it. Highlight the important points so that they can notice them. Hence, your team will be able to refer to the guide whenever they need to, and you can get a set of uniform writing from all your writers.

Refine Systems and Processes: With work progress, you must regularly ask your writers for feedback so that you can make improvements on your part and also enjoy better outcomes. Also, your writers will see that you value their opinions. Creating the appropriate framework to manage remote writers takes time and effort. 

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The Process to Hire a Resource is Quite Simple:

  • Submit a job description including experience, qualifications, skill set, project details, etc.
  • Our HR department finds candidates; matches and screens them.
  • Based on the screening process, a consolidated candidate list is submitted to the client. And You select candidates from that list to interview.
  • Once you are done with the interviews, you select the candidate you find fit for the position.
  • Depending on the position, our screening and hiring process spans across 1-2 weeks post receiving the requirement from the clients

Yes. GlobalEmployees submits several resumes of experienced candidates. You can then interview and test any candidate to determine if you’d like to hire them as an employee. Interviews are conducted over the phone or Skype.

Before the employee starts working for you, you have to;

  1. Sign the Contract.
  2. Pay the first month’s invoice.
  3. Pay for the applicable notice period (15 days).

The employee you hire can work in the time slot of your choice (Indian office hours, your office hours, or any other shift). However, you need to inform GlobalEmployees at the very beginning regarding your preferred shift timings for the employee.

We make sure the quality of the work is not impacted because of the time slot. But people do prefer to work during the day, so if you are open to your employee working in the day slot, you will have a bigger pool of resources to choose from.

You work with your remote employee as you would with any of your in-house or resident employee. We provide your employee with all the hardware and infrastructure they need to work for you remotely.

GlobalEmployees can provide your employee with a local telephone number for your area. You can also utilize other tools such as email, Google Chat or video conferencing via Skype etc

Normal business work hours are eight hours a day, from Monday to Friday, throughout the month. This does not include any time taken for breaks or for meals.

If your hired employee is meeting the set goals, it’s clear that they are doing their job. You could also put checks and balances to monitor your employee’s performance and monitor your employee via web cams, remote login software, phone, and instant messenger. In addition to that, our floor managers ensure that your employee is working at all times.

Yes. The GlobalEmployees office is your office extension in India. You are welcome to visit your employee at any point of time.

Yes. Please request to speak to a manager if you would like to bring your employee on-shore.

Yes. Any incentives you offer will be passed on to your employee. All incentives will be paid to your employee via GlobalEmployees only.

No. Your employee is on the payroll of GlobalEmployees. Subsequently, you have no employment tax, insurance, or labor law obligations/liabilities.

We can work with you to store your data locally on your own servers or we can store the data in-house. All data will be protected so that it is saved on a separate work server rather than on the employee’s personal computer. We can also ensure that the employee will not have the ability to send or save data through email or on other data devices such as USB drives.

Yes. It is a mandate for all the employees to sign an NDA. A copy of the same is available upon request. If you want us to sign your NDA, please let us know and we can make arrangements for the same.

All work done by the employee for the client on our premises is the client’s property. The same is specified in the GlobalEmployees contract.

Yes. You can hire a part time employee.

In case of any issue simply get in touch with your dedicated relationship manager at GlobalEmployees via e-mail or phone. GlobalEmployees managers are present 24 hours a day to resolve any of your problems.

We understand that with employees there can be a performance issue and we are always open to discuss and find a solution mutually. Typically, if the performance of a resource is not satisfactory then we endeavor to find a replacement for you. In another situation where a hired resources has delivered a decent performance but has been unable to scale it up, then we will charge you for the number of days the resource has worked and, will refund the remaining amount. We would request you inform of any such dissatisfaction within the span of a week so that we can take appropriate steps. In situations where you have not expressed your dissatisfaction and the resource has delivered considerable amount of work, we will not be responsible. Herein, you are requested to mail us an appropriate notice clearly mentioning the termination of our services.

Yes. If you want to hire an employee, GlobalEmployees requires receipt for the first month’s invoice before the employee actually starts working.

This is because GlobalEmployees enters into a legal contract with the employee you hire. Accordingly, GlobalEmployees is legally liable to provide the employee you hire with a paid notice period. Thus, the fee for the 15 days notice period to terminate our services is required in advance before the employee starts working.

No. There are no hidden charges. The price quoted with each submitted resume is the full and complete cost for the entire service. The only exception is if your employee requires software or hardware that we do not provide and is costly to acquire.

Your employee is entitled to 8 paid holidays in a year. In addition, your employee accumulates one day of paid leave per month. Hence, in one year your employee is entitled to 19 days of paid days off work. Any other days off work are unpaid leaves, for which you will not be charged.

No. GlobalEmployees provides you with a long-term dedicated employee. You work with the same employee every day. Hence, it is not possible to cover the odd absence by an employee. In case your employee requires a substantial time off work, GlobalEmployees can replace the employee.

Your employee will be provided with a new desktop. In addition, your employee will have access to all other computer peripherals such as printer, scanner, fax, headsets, web cams, etc.

Yes. Please speak with one of our managers to check if your additional requirements can be met free of any additional charge.

The entire hiring process takes around 1-2 weeks from the time you submit the requirements. In case you are in a rush to find your employee and start sooner, you could subscribe to our Premium service, which would prioritize your case. The turnaround time with Premium service is around 4-6 business days.

The cost of subscribing to our premium service is $100. This charge would be adjusted in your first month’s invoice, thus it is not an extra charge. And yes, the amount is fully refundable if we are unable to find a suitable candidate for you.

Yes. We can discuss the terms once you submit the requirement.

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Why Hire Content Writers From GlobalEmployees?

Hiring With GlobalEmployees Gets You The Best Content Writers With Benefits Like

  • No headaches about infrastructure, labor/employment laws, HR costs, additional employee benefits, etc.
  • A writer dedicated to your work. 1 Project for 1 Employee policy.
  • An employee that you choose, not one that’s dumped on you.
  • Complete Control: Since you are the one driving your work you get customized content to your specified guidelines.
  • No Risk: If the employee doesn’t work out, you can get out with a short notice without worrying about severance pay, damages or any other legal hassles.

The Overall Process To Hire Content Writers Usually Takes 1-2 Weeks From The Time You Convey The Requirements.