
Hire Web Developer For Just $990 a Month!

A Web developer is someone who specializes in developing applications related to the World Wide Web or distributed network applications. It runs protocols like HTTP from a Web server to a client browser via associated programming languages like HTML/CSS, C#, Ruby, PHP etc. A Web developer is mostly concerned with the back end or the programming aspect of creating a website or Web application. A web developer is responsible for using various components like the engine, transmission, wheels, etc. to construct a fully-functional, error-free website that is seamless in its technical aspects. So for all the above-given utilities of a web developer, just hire a web developer for your website project.

How To Hire Web Developers With Global Employees?

We Provide The Best Web Developers, Take A Look!

Web Developer

2 Years Experience
Get At Just $990 a Month
Junior Developers With 2+ Years of Experience.
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Web Developer

5+ Years Experience
Get At Just $1290 a Month
Mid-Level Developers With 5+ Years of Experience
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Web Developer

10+ Years Experience
Get At Just $1890 a Month
Highly Skilled Senior Developers With 10+ Years of Experience.
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Web Developer Job Description

Web Developers are experts in object-oriented programming, multiplatform development, and web-application construction. They integrate creative vision with project management skills to plan, design, and build websites and applications. Since the creation of websites is quite a complicated affair, developers mostly specialize in either front-end development or back-end development. Hiring a web developer is a necessity for any company that wants to stand out among the other rivals.

A Front-end developer or a client-side developer implements a variety of programming languages and frameworks such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript to build any site’s outer look and features. A Back-end developer employs programming languages such as Python and Ruby to design, develop and integrate applications from front-end development into the back-end. Programmers who specialize in both front- and back-end development are called full-stack developers.

Web Developer Job Responsibilities:

  • Program, test and debug all web applications. 
  • Design, develop, test and deploy web applications. 
  • Develop appropriate code structures to solve specific tasks. 
  • Coordinate with other designers and programmers to develop web projects. 
  • Collaborate with staff and teams to develop, format and deploy content. 
  • Assist and support in the maintenance of websites. 
  • Research and propose software programs that are compatible with future technologies. 
  • Initiate periodic testing and implement contingency plans in case of system failures. 
  • Prepare and coordinate intranet web updates and changes. 
  • Fix bugs, troubleshoot and resolve problems. 
  • Assume ownership of code throughout development, staging, testing and production. z

Why Should You Hire Web Developer?

Every business nowadays needs marketing on the web. The Internet makes it easy to allow companies to showcase their presence among their targeted audiences. It has become easier for businesses to create websites that have an attractive appeal and proper functionality if they hire a web developer. 

  • Performance & Speed: A proficient web developer designs websites with increased performance and speed. He puts all his efforts in coding a responsive and W3C compliant site. It offers quick turnaround time along with low cost of hiring and appropriate deliverable. 
  • Efficient Branding: An efficient web developer must understand marketing tactics. He must create designs and logos that differentiate it from the competitors. They focus on the originality to brand a business. 
  • Consistent Design: Hiring a web developer helps you establish a high level of consistency within your brand through your unique web design. You will stand apart from the crowd but also meet the expectations of the industry and niche area. 
  • Savings: You can always find web developers who offer technologically advanced solutions at reasonable costs. You can easily hire a team of developers, designers, coders and other professionals who will enable the development of a full-fledged website.

The above merits clearly tell us why hiring a web developer is crucial for any organization and how it can help elevate the company in various ways.  

How to Become A Top Web Developer?

To become a top web developer, one must possess the following: 

Select a Development Specialization:

Each element of a website connects with some other part. Building an error-free website is a complicated job and should be treated as a challenge. Depending on their specific tasks, web developers need to be proficient in using software programs like JavaScript frameworks, version control, CSS etc. Web developers need to have specialised knowledge and an understanding of the process as a whole. It could be user interface design, mobile application development, or front-end development, to be ready for future education and training. 

Educate Yourself:

There is no specific degree or educational path for careers in web development. You can learn coding languages independently. But there is more to web development than just coding. Developers who can implement coding skills within a broader context have the upper hand. Here, formal education helps prospective developers develop foundational knowledge of web development principles and practices. A bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related field is traditionally necessary for career advancement in web development. Companies do look at all these academic & training qualifications when they hire website developers.

Enhance Technical Skills:

Prospective web developers must have expertise in three core programming components: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They need to learn all about CSS and CSS frameworks, including Backbone, Bootstrap, and Foundation. To be able to build applications, developers must be proficient in back-end languages such as Ruby, Java, PHP and tools such as Oracle and SQL Server. Technical skills have more value than formal education or formal degrees.

Practice Coding Skills:

The best learning process for Web developers is learning by doing. You can set up a GitHub account and push code to the site. An active GitHub profile eventually gets the attention of employers searching through stacks of resumes. Your GitHub profile not only shows what you can do to solve programming issues but also how you build your strategies behind those solutions. Practising coding and getting used to using GitHub will prepare you to work as part of a team. You will learn to manage a complicated site.

Launch Online Portfolio:

Every employer wants to see results. They want to see current examples of successful site and application builds that you have deployed. With a portfolio, you can test new technologies and tools. You can demonstrate your coding talent, proficiency and technical capabilities. A standout portfolio can help you cross the first hurdle of landing a job interview.

Top Web Developer Skills

A successful Web Developer must have strong technical coding skills and must thoroughly know how to implement those concerning Internet conventions and web applications. They also need to have a balanced blend of soft skills, including the capability to communicate. They must be proficient in analytical problem-solving. The following technical skills are essential in web development: 

  • Skills: JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, HTML5,CSS3, Web Programming Skills, E-Commerce, Teamwork, Verbal Communication, Web User Interface Design (UI), Security Principles, Object-Oriented Design, Web Services (REST/SOAP), Multimedia Content Development, API’s, Testing, Browser Development Tools, Version Control, Responsive Web Design 


        What are the Various Web Development Tools

        For building websites and applications, web developers use several tools. Hiring a web developer with expertise in handling tools and technologies is necessary for optimum organisational utilisation. Here are a few major categories of tools and technologies that developers often use in the course of their development process: 

        • Database Management Software: Hadoop, MySQL, PostgreSQL etc. 
        • Source Control: Git, Bazaar, Subversion etc. 
        • Frameworks: Zend, Code Igniter, Django etc. 
        • Web Platform Software: Ruby on Rails, Drupal, JavaScript etc. 
        • Editors: Text++, Atom, Vim etc. 
        • Integrated Development Environment: NetBeans, DreamWeaver etc. 
        • Object-oriented Software: C++, Python, Java etc. 
        • Debugging Software: Firebug, Xdebug, Insight, etc. 

          Web Developer Requirements:

          • A strong understanding of UI, cross-browser compatibility, general web functions and standards. 
          • The developer must have experience in planning and delivering software platforms used across multiple products and organizational units. 
          • They must have deep expertise and hands-on experience with Web Applications and programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery and APIs. 
          • In-depth functional knowledge or hands-on design experience with Web Services 
          • Firm grasp of security principles and how they apply to E-Commerce applications. 

            Outsourcing Web Developers From GlobalEmployees

            On hiring Web Developers from GlobalEmployees, you get a remote Web Developer with following benefits: 

            • No headaches about infrastructure, labor/employment laws, HR costs, additional employee benefits, etc. An employee that you choose, not one that’s dumped on you. 
            • Complete Control: Since you are the one driving your work you get a customized development to your specified guidelines. 
            • No Risk: If it doesn’t work out, you can get out on short notice without worrying about severance pay, damages or any other legal hassles. 

            Top Web Developer Interview Questions​

            It is a CSS technique which fixes the style when an element changes its state — for example, style changes when mouse hovers, different methods for visited or unvisited links, etc

            Using global variables in programming languages, including JavaScript, is not a very convenient practice. You may be compelled to use global variables sometimes. Therefore, JavaScript introduces namespacing which ties down a part of the code and registers it with a unique name.

            You can reduce web page loading time by the following methods;

            • reducing image size,

            • removing unnecessary widgets, 

            • HTTP compression, 

            • placing CSS at the top and script references at the bottom or external files, 

            • reducing lookups, minimizing redirects and caching.

            Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a mechanism via which you can request different resources on a web page from another domain outside the domain which initiates the request.

            With HTTP 2.0, you get headers compression, push notification, intelligent packet streaming management and parallel loading of page elements over a single TCP connection.

            If your organisation handles vital data, then security will be on top priority. If it is a medium-sized online business, SEO and UX might be on top priority.

            The new form-elements introduced in HTML5 are:

            • <datalist> – specifies a list of options for input controls.

            • <keygen> – generates an encryption key.

            • <output> – defines the result of an expression

            The best way to integrate five different stylesheets into a website depends on the site’s layout. In most cases, combining the stylesheets into single a one is the best approach.

            Canvas is an HTML5 element which can draw graphics on the fly via JavaScript. SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) displays vector-based graphics on the web.

            There is no default border size of a Canvas. You can adjust the border size using CSS.

            ID selector finds and modifies the style to any single element while Class selector can adjust to any number of factors.

            The new APIs are media API, text track API, application cache API, data transfer API, user interaction API, command API, constraint validation API and history API.

            Undefined implies that a variable has been declared but has not yet been assigned a value, while null is an assignment value.

            I am proficient in HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. Apart from that, I have a thorough working knowledge of other technologies like popular frameworks, APIs and database management.

            There are three types of pop-up boxes:

            • Alert – it just displays a message with an OK button.

            • Confirm – it pops up a confirmation message window with OK and Cancel button.

            • Prompt – it pops up a dialogue box asking user input followed confirmation buttons.

            The scope defines the accessibility of the functions and variables in an application. It is of two types, namely, local and global.

            Both of them belong to the comparison operator category. Yet, the ‘==’ operator checks the value whereas, the ‘===’ operator checks both the value and the type

            You can detect the operating system on a client system by using the JavaScript property navigator.appVersion.

            Outsourcing Web Development To GlobalEmployees?

            On Hiring With GlobalEmployees, You Get A Remote Web Developer With Following Benefits:

            • No headaches about infrastructure, labor/employment laws, HR costs, additional employee benefits, etc.
            • Hire a Web Developer Freelance dedicated to your work. 1 Project for 1 Employee policy.

            • An employee that you choose, not one that’s dumped on you.

            • Complete Control: Since you are the one driving your work you get a customized development to your specified guidelines.

            • No Risk: If the employee doesn’t work out, you can get out with a short notice without worrying about severance pay, damages or any other legal hassles.

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            The Process to Hire a Resource is Quite Simple:

            • Submit a job description including experience, qualifications, skill set, project details, etc.
            • Our HR department finds candidates; matches and screens them.
            • Based on the screening process, a consolidated candidate list is submitted to the client. And You select candidates from that list to interview.
            • Once you are done with the interviews, you select the candidate you find fit for the position.
            • Depending on the position, our screening and hiring process spans across 1-2 weeks post receiving the requirement from the clients

            Yes. GlobalEmployees submits several resumes of experienced candidates. You can then interview and test any candidate to determine if you’d like to hire them as an employee. Interviews are conducted over the phone or Skype.

            Before the employee starts working for you, you have to;

            1. Sign the Contract.
            2. Pay the first month’s invoice.
            3. Pay for the applicable notice period (15 days).

            The employee you hire can work in the time slot of your choice (Indian office hours, your office hours, or any other shift). However, you need to inform GlobalEmployees at the very beginning regarding your preferred shift timings for the employee.

            We make sure the quality of the work is not impacted because of the time slot. But people do prefer to work during the day, so if you are open to your employee working in the day slot, you will have a bigger pool of resources to choose from.

            You work with your remote employee as you would with any of your in-house or resident employee. We provide your employee with all the hardware and infrastructure they need to work for you remotely.

            GlobalEmployees can provide your employee with a local telephone number for your area. You can also utilize other tools such as email, Google Chat or video conferencing via Skype etc

            Normal business work hours are eight hours a day, from Monday to Friday, throughout the month. This does not include any time taken for breaks or for meals.

            If your hired employee is meeting the set goals, it’s clear that they are doing their job. You could also put checks and balances to monitor your employee’s performance and monitor your employee via web cams, remote login software, phone, and instant messenger. In addition to that, our floor managers ensure that your employee is working at all times.

            Yes. The GlobalEmployees office is your office extension in India. You are welcome to visit your employee at any point of time.

            Yes. Please request to speak to a manager if you would like to bring your employee on-shore.

            Yes. Any incentives you offer will be passed on to your employee. All incentives will be paid to your employee via GlobalEmployees only.

            No. Your employee is on the payroll of GlobalEmployees. Subsequently, you have no employment tax, insurance, or labor law obligations/liabilities.

            We can work with you to store your data locally on your own servers or we can store the data in-house. All data will be protected so that it is saved on a separate work server rather than on the employee’s personal computer. We can also ensure that the employee will not have the ability to send or save data through email or on other data devices such as USB drives.

            Yes. It is a mandate for all the employees to sign an NDA. A copy of the same is available upon request. If you want us to sign your NDA, please let us know and we can make arrangements for the same.

            All work done by the employee for the client on our premises is the client’s property. The same is specified in the GlobalEmployees contract.

            Yes. You can hire a part time employee.

            In case of any issue simply get in touch with your dedicated relationship manager at GlobalEmployees via e-mail or phone. GlobalEmployees managers are present 24 hours a day to resolve any of your problems.

            We understand that with employees there can be a performance issue and we are always open to discuss and find a solution mutually. Typically, if the performance of a resource is not satisfactory then we endeavor to find a replacement for you. In another situation where a hired resources has delivered a decent performance but has been unable to scale it up, then we will charge you for the number of days the resource has worked and, will refund the remaining amount. We would request you inform of any such dissatisfaction within the span of a week so that we can take appropriate steps. In situations where you have not expressed your dissatisfaction and the resource has delivered considerable amount of work, we will not be responsible. Herein, you are requested to mail us an appropriate notice clearly mentioning the termination of our services.

            Yes. If you want to hire an employee, GlobalEmployees requires receipt for the first month’s invoice before the employee actually starts working.

            This is because GlobalEmployees enters into a legal contract with the employee you hire. Accordingly, GlobalEmployees is legally liable to provide the employee you hire with a paid notice period. Thus, the fee for the 15 days notice period to terminate our services is required in advance before the employee starts working.

            No. There are no hidden charges. The price quoted with each submitted resume is the full and complete cost for the entire service. The only exception is if your employee requires software or hardware that we do not provide and is costly to acquire.

            Your employee is entitled to 8 paid holidays in a year. In addition, your employee accumulates one day of paid leave per month. Hence, in one year your employee is entitled to 19 days of paid days off work. Any other days off work are unpaid leaves, for which you will not be charged.

            No. GlobalEmployees provides you with a long-term dedicated employee. You work with the same employee every day. Hence, it is not possible to cover the odd absence by an employee. In case your employee requires a substantial time off work, GlobalEmployees can replace the employee.

            Your employee will be provided with a new desktop. In addition, your employee will have access to all other computer peripherals such as printer, scanner, fax, headsets, web cams, etc.

            Yes. Please speak with one of our managers to check if your additional requirements can be met free of any additional charge.

            The entire hiring process takes around 1-2 weeks from the time you submit the requirements. In case you are in a rush to find your employee and start sooner, you could subscribe to our Premium service, which would prioritize your case. The turnaround time with Premium service is around 4-6 business days.

            The cost of subscribing to our premium service is $100. This charge would be adjusted in your first month’s invoice, thus it is not an extra charge. And yes, the amount is fully refundable if we are unable to find a suitable candidate for you.

            Yes. We can discuss the terms once you submit the requirement.

            PayPal, Credit Card, Google Checkout, Wire Transfer.

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            The Overall Process To Hire Website Developers Usually Takes 1-2 Weeks From The Time You Convey The Requirements.