
Android or iOS: Which is better for Business Application Development?


Today, Android and iOS, used by an Android developer, are among the most dominant mobile platforms that rule the tablet and smart phone marketplace around the world. Thereby, we decided to compare the Android and iOS platforms, and discover what’s better as it’ll come to enterprise and business application development by evaluating some factors like;


Currently, Android is appreciating the biggest platform share around the globe with a certain presence within developing nations. On the other hand, studies suggest that iOS typically is utilized by those in developed nations, earn higher incomes, and most importantly, spend more upon phone apps. Therefore, if you want to reach more individuals around the world, and target both high-income and low-income categories, you have to choose Android, or else you may get your business application created for the iOS platform.

Generation of Revenue

There will include two kinds of mobile apps – one that focuses on in-app revenue generation; the other ones that are free to use. As Apple users are well-known to spend more on in-app and apps purchases, Android users aren’t as extravagant with their expenditures. Thereby, if you’re prepared to launch an application by which you wish to produce revenue and provide various in-app purchases, iOS undoubtedly should be your choice of platform.

Time to Market

Time to Market always is a substantial factor while creating a business app. Many developers think iOS apps are faster to develop and thereby, have a briefer time to market, compared with the Android applications, as the Android applications take around 2 to 3 times longer to be developed. For more details, please visit here: hire android developer.


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