
Laravel Interview Questions for 2020

A List Of Top Laravel Interview Questions & Answers For 2020 To Help You Crack Laravel Developer Job Interviews.

Whether you are going to apply for a Laravel developer job or you are a recruiter hiring for Laravel developers, the list of questions below would come in handy to prepare you for the task ahead. Let’s take a look at some of the top Laravel interview questions.

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What is Laravel?

Laravel open-source PHP web framework, available for free that Taylor Otwell has created intending to facilitate the development of web applications in compliance with the model–view–controller (MVC) architectural pattern.

Mention a few benefits of Laravel over other Php frameworks?

The process of setup and customization process is easier and faster than the others.

It comes with a built-in Authentication System.

Laravel supports several file systems.

It offers pre-loaded packages like Laravel Socialite, Laravel elixir, Laravel cashier,  Passport, Laravel Scout.

Eloquent ORM with PHP active record implementation.

It also provides a built-in command-line tool “Artisan” that helps create a code skeleton, database structure and develop their migration.

Define Migrations in Laravel.

Laravel Migrations are similar to version control for the database, which allows a team to modify and share the application’s database schema easily. Typically, Migrations are paired with the schema-builder of Laravel to build the application’s database schema quickly.

What is the purpose behind using the Facade Pattern?

Facades offer a static interface to classes that are available in the service container of the application. Laravel facades function as static proxies to underlying “classes” in the service container, letting you enjoy a precise and vividly expressive syntax while maintaining more testability and flexibility than traditional static methods.

Define Service Container.

The Laravel service container is a tool for managing class dependencies and performing dependency injection.

What do you mean by Eloquent Models?

The Eloquent ORM present with Laravel offers a beautiful and sorted ActiveRecord implementation for working with your database. Every database table comes with a corresponding Model that helps you interact with that particular table. Models enable you to query for data in your charts and also insert new records into the table.

Define Laravel events.

Laravel event offers a simple observer pattern implementation that allows us to subscribe and listen for events in the application. A Laravel event refers to an incident or occurrence that the program detects and handles. Following are a few examples of events in Laravel:

A new user has registered.

A new comment is posted.

User login/logout.

The addition of a new product.

What do you know about the query builder in Laravel?

The database query builder of Laravel offers a fluent and highly convenient interface for building and running database queries. You can use it to the maximum database operations in your application. It functions on all the database systems that are supported.

The Laravel query builder implements PDO parameter-binding for protecting your application from attacks of SQL injection. You will need to clean strings that are passed as bindings.

Following are a few QB features:




Raw Expressions.




Ordering, Grouping, Limit, & Offset.

How can you generate migrations?

Migrations are similar to version-control for your database. “Migrations” allow your team to modify and share the database schema of the application easily. Typically, “migrations” are paired with the schema builder from Laravel to build your application’s database schema quickly.

How can you mock a static facade methods?

Facades come with a “static” interface to classes that you can find in the service container of the application. Unlike traditional static method calls, you may mock facades. We can “mock” the request to the static facade method by using the should-receive-method. It will redirect an instance of a Mockery mock.

Mention the advantage of eager loading. When do you use it?

While you are accessing Eloquent relationships as properties, the relationship data is “lazy loaded.” It implies that the relationship data is not loaded until you locate the property first. Yet, Eloquent can “eager load” relationships when you are querying the parent-model.

Eager loading relieves the N + 1 query problem when you will have nested objects (like books -> author). You may use eager loading to contract this operation to just two queries.

Define named routes in Laravel?

Named routes allow referring to “routes” while generating redirects or Urls more comfortably. You can specify designated routes by chaining the name method onto the route definition:

You can also specifically mention route names for controller actions. Once you assign a name to your courses, you can use the name of the route while generating URLs or redirects using the global route function.

What is Closure in Laravel?

A Closure is an anonymous function. Closures are often used as callback methods and can be used as a parameter in a task.

List some Aggregates methods that the query builder in Laravel provides?

An aggregate function is where the values of multiple rows are grouped as input on specific criteria to form a sole value of more significant meaning or measurements such as a set, a bag, or a list.

Below is a list of some Aggregates methods provided by Laravel query builder:






Define reverse routing in Laravel?

Reverse routing in Laravel refers to the process of generating URLs based on route declarations. The reverse-path makes your application highly flexible. For instance, the route declaration tells Laravel to execute the action “login” in the users’ controller when the request’s URI is ‘login.’ With reverse routing, you can build a link to it and pass it in any defines parameters. Optional parameters, if not supplied, are removed from the generated link.

What is autoloading classes in PHP?

Via autoloaders, PHP gives you the last chance for loading the class or interface before it fails with an error.

The spl_autoload_register() function in PHP can register any number of autoloaders, enable classes and interfaces to autoload even if they are undefined.

Does PHP support method overloading?

Method overloading refers to the process of using the same method name with a different signature. You cannot overload the functions of PHP. Function-signatures are based on their names only. They do not have argument lists. Hence, you cannot have two features with the same name.

However, you can declare a variadic function that takes in a variable number of arguments. You could use func_num_args() and func_get_arg() to get the arguments passed, and use them in a a generic manner.

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