
User Experience Designers for $990 a Month!

UX Design stands for User Experience Design. UI stands for user interface design. Both are primarily instrumental for an IT Product and require a close combination of work. Even though they work as one, they involve distinct and vividly distinguished processes. Do you want to create the best user experience for your website? If so, you are in the right place. We provided highly qualified UX designers who can create your required website or mobile application proficiently. Our UX designers aim to create unique user experiences and deliver the best product possible.

How Do You Hire UI/UX Designers From GlobalEmployees?

UI-UX Designer

2 Years Experience
Get At Just $990 a Month
Junior Developer With 2+ Years of Experience
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UI-UX Designer

5 Years Experience
Get At Just $1290 a Month
Mid-Level Developer With 5+ Years of Experience
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UI-UX Designer

10 Years Experience
Get At Just $1990 a Month
Highly Skilled Senior Developer With 10+ Years of Experience
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Who Is A UX Designer?

UX design or User experience design refers to the process of designing products to enhance user satisfaction by improving its usability, desirability, and accessibility. A UX designer creates templates for web and mobile applications with PSD to HTML and CSS conversion. The entire process of acquiring and integrating a product, including aspects of branding, design, usability, and function rests in the hands of a UX designer.

A UX designer has good knowledge of front-end development frameworks. He or she is well aware of the needs of the application developers to cater to them efficiently. The designer ensures that a user has a significant interaction and experience with the product.

Qualities Of A Great UI-UX Designer

  • Passionate: You should take UX design as a calling. A good designer must be fascinated by patterns and how users interact with products.

  • Empathic: A designer needs to understand the users’ pains to design great products. He/she must understand why something isn’t working for them because all your designs are for them.

  • Humble: A great design requires a team and collaboration with various other roles, including UI designers, users, programmers, C-level executives and stakeholders. Hence, it is essential to give importance to some amount of feedback from all of the other parties working together, and modify designs accordingly.

  • Independent: A designer must train himself in various areas and learn to work on his own to figure things out and build on his portfolio.

  • Genuine Interest in Technology: A good designer must have a love for technology and, the way humans interact with technology.

In the picture to your right, we have a product as cereals, user interface and user experience.

If you ever think and analyse the objects around you, you will find millions of man-made objects that add to human desirability, usability and aesthetics. Let me explain with an example.

There are two coffee mugs- one is red and non-insulating; the second mug is transparent and insulating. Now, if you want to enjoy a simple cup of coffee, which mug will you choose? If you choose the first one, then your desire to have coffee is fulfilled. If you drop it by mistake, you realize that it’s no longer usable. On the other hand, if you choose the second mug, it does not have the aesthetic appeal of the first mug, but it will not break if you drop it. Hence, it is more useable. A designer has to keep in mind all these factors and concerns while creating a product. He has to fulfill all the demands that a customer might have.

How To Become A UI/UX Designer?

Read: Take suggestions of experienced UI/UX designers and read books like The Design of Everyday Things by former director of the Institute for Cognitive Science at the University of California, Don Norman, Smashing UX Design and Don’t Make Me Think by information architect and UX professional Steve Krug. These books give you information about:

  • Why some products please customers while many frustrate them as well.

  • Design of not just software but mundane objects such as chair and tables.

  • The design of everything around you.

  • Detailed overview of the most common UI/UX design and research tools used.

Collection of case studies from real project

You also need to read and go through blogs, podcasts and articles that will enrich your knowledge in this field. The more you learn about it, the more prepared you’ll be for real-world design projects.

Get a Mentor: Finding a mentor will be a blessing for you if you won’t be a successful designer. When you have someone efficient to answer your questions and address your concerns, it will become easier for you to acquire relevant knowledge. You can become a part of the UI/UX community by going to conferences and meetings. You need to be as polite and pleasant as possible and not be demanding. The UI/UX community is a good source for your education.

Take Classes: It is undeniable that a mentor will not have enough time to teach you UI/UX entirely. It is not humanly possible. You have to do it in real and practice until you master it. So the first thing you need to do is to take a course. A UX design course will prepare you on the most critical UX design concepts, tools, and resources. Some basic coding knowledge will help you in the long run.

Do Actual UI/UX Design Work: Besides acquiring all the theoretical knowledge, you will need real-life experience. UX hiring managers will want to see how you efficiently solve problems. They will want to know how you work with a team and how you address deadlines and budget constraints. You can showcase this to your employer only with your case studies. You have to find a real project with real users, actual team members, and practical challenges. The best thing you can do is to look for someone who has a business/website in urgent need of UX development. They might not be able to afford to pay for a professional designer. You can go ahead and offer them your help. Once you do a few of these projects, you can start building a portfolio to present it before your prospective employers.

Crack a Job: After completing all the above steps mentioned, you can say that you are ready to find a job. You cannot find the best UI/UX design jobs through LinkedIn or Craigslist but by word of mouth. You must learn to interact with as many people from as many companies as possible. Go to tech conferences and make sure to leave them your card. You will surely be able to lineup a handful of interviews as a beginner and might even be able to crack more than one job opportunities.

Keep Updating Yourself: If you are building your career in the field of UI/UX, you must never stop learning and refreshing yourself. You must never believe that you know enough. You have to keep learning the best tools and adapt to user preferences and changes.

Skills You Need To Become A UI-UX Designer?

  • Execution, facilitation and analysis of research and data.

  • Composition and graphic design.

  • Possessing a knack for palettes.

  • Talent in typography and branding.

  • Making an interface shine and giving it its own unique identity.

  • Problem-solving ability.

  • Understanding that the needs and requirements of the customers are essential.

  • Ability to understand how the users are prone to act.

  • Efficient communication and collaboration.

  • Well-versed in information architecture.

  • Ability to organize information in a way that can be easily comprehended.

What Are The Responsibilities Of UX Designers?

A UX designer has several other responsibilities outside of creating user experience. Some of them include;

  • Product Analysis: The foundation of UX design lies in market research and user research. A UX designer must understand the needs of the customer, and for this, he or she must perform adequate research. Product analysis means collecting data to understand the competitive market and its processes through channels like personal interview, competitive analysis, online surveys, focus groups, user needs, and brand direction. This data is analyzed to create a unique design as per requirements.

  • Prototyping Design: After analyzing the data, the UX designer outlines the design of the product and draws out the contents of the product. A designer typically uses information architecture to fulfill the requirements of a user. It includes structuring, labeling, and wireframing. Wireframing involves an illustration of the final product. The UX designer creates a draft version of the final product to experiment and correct errors and inconsistencies before the product is shared with other members of the team.

  • Interaction and Interface Designs: A UX designer is also responsible for interaction and interface design. These allow users to understand the product and also helps in the creation of navigation, hierarchies, and categorizations.

  • Usability Testing: Usability testing allows the designer to acquire information regarding the feasibility of the product and to determine its problems.

  • Optimal Design/Product Testing: At this stage, the designer gathers and analyses verbal and non-verbal feedback from the user to create the optimal user experience.

What Is User Experience?

The international standard of human-system interaction defines user experience as “a person’s perceptions and responses that result from the use or anticipated use of a product, system or service.” This means that a user’s experience includes his or her preferences, perceptions, beliefs and emotions, physical and psychological responses that can occur during or after the use of a product. According to the IS, system, user, and context of use are three significant factors that influence the experiences of a user.

The UX Design Team is responsible for identifying target customers and figuring out how to give the customers an experience that will be difficult to forget or overlook. They aim to maintain functionality, usability, and user-adaptability. The UX Team looks after the following areas

  • Competitor Analysis
  • Customer Analysis
  • Product Structure
  • Content Development
  • Wire-framing
  • Prototyping
  • Testing
  • Development Planning
  • Coordination With Developers
  • Tracking Goals and Integration
  • Analysis 

The UX designer job role is multifaceted. It involves designing, marketing and project-managing. The main aim is to develop intuitive designs. The UI needs to be simple, unique and attractive since the UI designers work areas where users directly interact with your product. The UI designer looks after the following areas;

  • Customer Analysis
  • Design Research
  • Brand Development
  • Graphic Development
  • User Guides
  • UI Prototyping
  • Interactivity and Animation
  • Adaptation to all device screen sizes
  • Implementation with developer

Benefits Of UI/UX Design:

The software of any enterprise is designed to fulfill the needs of an organisation than individual users. But, at the same time, you need to make an effort to provide a seamless user-experience for long term success. The applications need to be easy-to-use for all kinds of customers, be it the ones who are tech-savvy or the ones who are not. The user’s experience has to be enhanced so that they do not abandon your product eventually. With changing times, the employees are also looking forward to offering consumer-level designs in all the tools that they are using.

An enterprise can benefit from its applications only when the users can use them successfully. An intuitive design initiates this process. The app developer needs to understand the users thoroughly if they want to design a full-proof and efficient application.

The main benefits of having a stunning UI/UX-equipped application are as follows.

  • Customer Acquisition: A competent UI/UX is likely to overtake price as crucial brand differentiators that attract customers towards your product and brand. A good UI/UX is not just design. Its Good Business.

  • Customer Retention: Building a beautiful UI makes people want to use your application more and keep using it. Due to growing competition in the market, building brand loyalty and retaining customers has become more than essential.

  • Reduced Support-costs: If your application has a poor design, you will need to initiate training, documentation, and support later. It will increase your support costs, which will be an unwanted burden for you. An easy-to-use app frees you of this unnecessary burden. An efficiently designed application reduces stress on both the employees and the bottom line.

  • Increased Productivity: A better user-experience improves productivity. If you consider the increased productivity over the number of users and the active-hours of each user, you can see how substantial the financial impact is.

  • Reduced Development Time: Researchers estimate that at least 50% of engineering time is wasted on fixing mistakes that they could have avoided. Problems like incorrect assumptions about user-behaviors, navigation-related confusions, an unwanted feature, or a challenging design choice. Making sure that your design is done right at one go will reduce future risks.

Here Are A Few UX Interview Questions That Need To Be Addressed While Hiring A UX Designer:

  • Do you have any experience of working with a similar product? If any, what was your experience like? What did you learn from your experience?

  • Do you have any experience of working with a similar client? If yes, what was your experience like?

  • In what role do you think you would best define yourself? UI, UI/UX, visual designer, art director, and so on? What do you consider as your strengths and shortcomings? About the challenges in designing, what kind of challenges will you be comfortable with?

  • What UI tools do you think should be primarily used by the entire team—Sketch or Photoshop? What format do you think will be required for source handovers?

  • What is your preferred platform for communication—Zoom, Slack, Skype, Trello, etc.?

  • Do you consider yourself a self-starter? Do you like to define your schedules and timings?

  • Having taken a look at our brief, do you think there are areas we need to work on before addressing the scope we have outlined?

  • What is your availability at the moment? Are you available to work full-time/part-time/hourly? For how long are you available?

  • What are you most excited about in the project?

Additional Points That Must Be Considered

  • Scope and expected delivery.

  • Timelines and goals for the product.

  • Global assumptions such as whether the product should be for mobiles as well, IE texting, etc.)

  • Special requirements such as whether the product should be made accessible for the visually impaired, the languages in which it will be available, etc.)

  • Technological specifications such as whether the product will be available for both iOS and Android, whether it will be available in virtual and augmented reality, REST API, etc.)

  • Legal concerns such as NDAs and other contracts.

If all expectations are met, then the UI designer will be matched with a client and all the terms and services will be finalized to start the project.

Advantages Of Remote Hiring UI UX Designer.

Getting UI/UX designers for hire is becoming a common practice nowadays. When you hire a UI/UX designer, you enjoy the following advantages:

  • Direct and easy access to potential resources.

  • Weekly meeting with clients via Skype or Mail.

  • Indian developers are highly creative and passionate about their designs.

  • You can easily track the workflow of the team.

  • Following international standards.

  • Advantage of time-zones for foreign countries.

  • A dedicated in-house team of certified UI UX expert.

  • Incorporating emerging technologies like IoT, Beacon, Wearables, etc.

  • A meticulous user-oriented strategic approach.

Hiring Schemes With Indian UI/UX Developers:

Full-Time Hiring

  • The developer works only for you.
  • You get to hire developers for 8 hours/day and 5 days/week.
  • You can communicate with your developers via Skype, Email, Phone.
  • Monthly-billing scheme.

Part-Time Hiring

  • The developer partially works for you but provides dedicated service.
  • You get to hire developers for 4 hours/day and 5 days/week.
  • You can communicate with your developers via Skype, Email, Phone
  • Monthly-billing scheme.

Hourly Timing

  • Gives your work a few precious hours of attention.
  • You get to hire developers for 5 days/week.
  • You can communicate with your developers via Skype, Email, Phone
  • Monthly-billing scheme.

Contractual Hiring

  • Works for you whenever you need and as long as you need, on decided and agreed terms.
  • You get to hire developers for 8 hours/day and 5 days/week
  • You can communicate with your developers via Skype, Email, Phone
  • Monthly-billing scheme.

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The Process to Hire a Resource is Quite Simple:

  • Submit a job description including experience, qualifications, skill set, project details, etc.
  • Our HR department finds candidates; matches and screens them.
  • Based on the screening process, a consolidated candidate list is submitted to the client. And You select candidates from that list to interview.
  • Once you are done with the interviews, you select the candidate you find fit for the position.
  • Depending on the position, our screening and hiring process spans across 1-2 weeks post receiving the requirement from the clients

Yes. GlobalEmployees submits several resumes of experienced candidates. You can then interview and test any candidate to determine if you’d like to hire them as an employee. Interviews are conducted over the phone or Skype.

Before the employee starts working for you, you have to;

  1. Sign the Contract.
  2. Pay the first month’s invoice.
  3. Pay for the applicable notice period (15 days).

The employee you hire can work in the time slot of your choice (Indian office hours, your office hours, or any other shift). However, you need to inform GlobalEmployees at the very beginning regarding your preferred shift timings for the employee.

We make sure the quality of the work is not impacted because of the time slot. But people do prefer to work during the day, so if you are open to your employee working in the day slot, you will have a bigger pool of resources to choose from.

You work with your remote employee as you would with any of your in-house or resident employee. We provide your employee with all the hardware and infrastructure they need to work for you remotely.

GlobalEmployees can provide your employee with a local telephone number for your area. You can also utilize other tools such as email, Google Chat or video conferencing via Skype etc

Normal business work hours are eight hours a day, from Monday to Friday, throughout the month. This does not include any time taken for breaks or for meals.

If your hired employee is meeting the set goals, it’s clear that they are doing their job. You could also put checks and balances to monitor your employee’s performance and monitor your employee via web cams, remote login software, phone, and instant messenger. In addition to that, our floor managers ensure that your employee is working at all times.

Yes. The GlobalEmployees office is your office extension in India. You are welcome to visit your employee at any point of time.

Yes. Please request to speak to a manager if you would like to bring your employee on-shore.

Yes. Any incentives you offer will be passed on to your employee. All incentives will be paid to your employee via GlobalEmployees only.

No. Your employee is on the payroll of GlobalEmployees. Subsequently, you have no employment tax, insurance, or labor law obligations/liabilities.

We can work with you to store your data locally on your own servers or we can store the data in-house. All data will be protected so that it is saved on a separate work server rather than on the employee’s personal computer. We can also ensure that the employee will not have the ability to send or save data through email or on other data devices such as USB drives.

Yes. It is a mandate for all the employees to sign an NDA. A copy of the same is available upon request. If you want us to sign your NDA, please let us know and we can make arrangements for the same.

All work done by the employee for the client on our premises is the client’s property. The same is specified in the GlobalEmployees contract.

Yes. You can hire a part time employee.

In case of any issue simply get in touch with your dedicated relationship manager at GlobalEmployees via e-mail or phone. GlobalEmployees managers are present 24 hours a day to resolve any of your problems.

We understand that with employees there can be a performance issue and we are always open to discuss and find a solution mutually. Typically, if the performance of a resource is not satisfactory then we endeavor to find a replacement for you. In another situation where a hired resources has delivered a decent performance but has been unable to scale it up, then we will charge you for the number of days the resource has worked and, will refund the remaining amount. We would request you inform of any such dissatisfaction within the span of a week so that we can take appropriate steps. In situations where you have not expressed your dissatisfaction and the resource has delivered considerable amount of work, we will not be responsible. Herein, you are requested to mail us an appropriate notice clearly mentioning the termination of our services.

Yes. If you want to hire an employee, GlobalEmployees requires receipt for the first month’s invoice before the employee actually starts working.

This is because GlobalEmployees enters into a legal contract with the employee you hire. Accordingly, GlobalEmployees is legally liable to provide the employee you hire with a paid notice period. Thus, the fee for the 15 days notice period to terminate our services is required in advance before the employee starts working.

No. There are no hidden charges. The price quoted with each submitted resume is the full and complete cost for the entire service. The only exception is if your employee requires software or hardware that we do not provide and is costly to acquire.

Your employee is entitled to 8 paid holidays in a year. In addition, your employee accumulates one day of paid leave per month. Hence, in one year your employee is entitled to 19 days of paid days off work. Any other days off work are unpaid leaves, for which you will not be charged.

No. GlobalEmployees provides you with a long-term dedicated employee. You work with the same employee every day. Hence, it is not possible to cover the odd absence by an employee. In case your employee requires a substantial time off work, GlobalEmployees can replace the employee.

Your employee will be provided with a new desktop. In addition, your employee will have access to all other computer peripherals such as printer, scanner, fax, headsets, web cams, etc.

Yes. Please speak with one of our managers to check if your additional requirements can be met free of any additional charge.

The entire hiring process takes around 1-2 weeks from the time you submit the requirements. In case you are in a rush to find your employee and start sooner, you could subscribe to our Premium service, which would prioritize your case. The turnaround time with Premium service is around 4-6 business days.

The cost of subscribing to our premium service is $100. This charge would be adjusted in your first month’s invoice, thus it is not an extra charge. And yes, the amount is fully refundable if we are unable to find a suitable candidate for you.

Yes. We can discuss the terms once you submit the requirement.

PayPal, Credit Card, Google Checkout, Wire Transfer.

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Why Hire UI/UX Designers From GlobalEmployees?

GlobalEmployees Prides Itself On Providing Clients With Highly Skilled Designers Who Give You:

  • A designer dedicated to your work. 1 Employee 1 Project policy.

  • No headaches about infrastructure, labor/employment laws, HR costs, etc.

  • An employee that you choose, not one that’s dumped on you.

  • Since you are the one driving your work you get a customized design according to your specified guidelines.

  • Responsive design which is accessible on any device.

  • No Risk: If the employee doesn’t work out, you can get out with short notice without worrying about severance pay, damages or any legal hassles.

The Overall Process To Hire A UI/UX Designer Usually Takes 1-2 Weeks From The Time You Convey The Requirements.