Now that Outsourcing is an established norm across all industry verticals in India, the wait now is for the next emerging trend in the domain.
It’s a well-known fact that the Indian Outsourcing industry was born out of the initiatives towards cost-effectiveness in the West; therefore any change in the West was bound to be reflected in its corresponding outsourcing industry. With the global recession looming over the west, the Indian outsourcing industry is constantly challenged with cost pressures and improved delivery models.
With the evolution of 2.0 versions for web, virtualization and cloud computing, the outsourcing space has evolved with a sophisticated service scope and an expansive geographical reach. Consolidation and globalization are increasingly resonated in the cut-throat competition with the expansion in the number of suppliers. Moving away from a generic service pattern, the buyers in the market are looking towards more specific services leading to the emergence of smaller domain-specific players in the market.
Person to person offshoring is another major trend that has led a paradigm shift from large scale deployments to small businesses and homes. Some of these services pertain to web tutoring, writing, software development and translation services. The concept of ‘Green’ that has impacted the global It scenario and has led to many path-breaking innovations has impacted the outsourcing business with buyers asking for ‘green’ credentials. Furthermore with the rise of ‘second life’, the concept of hiring a remote employee and staff has become extremely popular. On a long term basis, support job roles will complete migrate to the virtual worlds. With technological advancements, the world of outsourcing will experience increased technological convergence with social media and mobile apps coming together to source talent and most importantly to take the business to the next level.