
Hire PHP Developer For Just $1290 a Month!

PHP developer refers to someone who works on the server-side of the website or application. He or she generally has back-end functions but supports the front-end as well. A PHP developer develops websites and applications using PHP language. Web Development widely uses PHP or Hypertext Preprocessor. It’s because of this popularity of PHP in web development, companies hire PHP developers from the market with high salary structures. There is enormous demand for PHP developers out in the web development arena.

How Do You Hire PHP Developers From Global Employees?

Need PHP Developers For Hire? Take A Look!

PHP Developer

2 Years Experience
Get At Just $1290 a Month
Junior Developer With 2+ Years Experience.
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PHP Developer

5 Years Experience
Get At Just $1790 a Month
Mid-Level Developer With 5+ Years of Experience.
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PHP Developer

10 Years Experience
Get At Just $2490 a Month
Highly Skilled Senior Developer With 10+ Years of Experience.
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What Is PHP?

PHP is a highly popular scripting language that is HTML-embedded. With PHP, a developer can create dynamic and interactive websites and web pages as well as a programming language. It supports Netscapes, Apaches Microsoft IIS, and so on. PHP works on Windows, Linux, UNIX and Mac OS. Hiring a PHP Developer is a must for helping the website run smoothly and efficiently. According to reports by simplilearn, it is estimated that 79.1% of all websites with a recognized server-side programming language use PHP. We, at GlobalEmployees provide you with many PHP developers to choose from. 

The features of PHP

Open Source: 
  • Open source means that it can be used and modified by anyone.
  • A developer can distribute it to anyone for any purpose. Web developers and web programmers can access PHP for free.  
  • PHP is simple to understand and easier to use than most other scripting languages.
  • A website or web application developed using PHP frameworks can be optimized, modified, and updated as per the requirements.  
Independent Platform:
  • It is possible to run PHP on various platforms such as Windows, Linux, UNIX, Mac OS, and others, and therefore, it is called a platform-independent language.
  • However, PHP needs a PHP interpreter such as XAMPP and LAMPP to run on any system.  
Error Generation and Reporting:
  • With PHP, it is to locate the mistakes and fix them. 
  • To generate syntax errors, a developer needs to enable an error display feature in the php.ini. 
  • PhpEd is a helpful editor that checks for errors when the codes are typed.
  • PHP also has a debugger that provides detailed information about different errors.  
Web Hosting:
  • You can host your PHP website using CloudWays.
  • Hosting your website means that the user can access the website by using the domain name of your website.
  • This task is effortless when you create your website using PHP.  

A Front-end developer or a client-side developer implements a variety of programming languages and frameworks such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript to build the outer look and features of any site. A Back-end developer employs programming languages such as Python and Ruby to design, develop and integrate applications from front-end development into the back end. The following features clearly state why hiring a PHP Developer is mandatory for any company that wants to launch a website. 

Benefits Of PHP

  • PHP is open-source and easily accessible. 
  • It supports multiple databases, such as IIS and MySQL. 
  • It is highly compatible and can run on any device. 
  • PHP is user-friendly. 
  • It is highly cost-effective. 
  • It is highly reliable in terms of security. 
  • Codes can be written in several ways using PHP. It makes the coding process much more manageable. 

What is PHP Web Development?

PHP is a widely used language for web development that includes web designing, writing codes, web content development, and so on. Web designing consists of client-side or front-end coding, server-side or back-end coding and database technology, all of which can be done using PHP alone.

How To Develop A PHP Web Application?

  • A PHP developer develops a PHP website or web application.
  • He/she works on the server-side of the website and builds back-end components.
  • Some of the responsibilities of a PHP developer include integrating front-end elements with back-end elements, building PHP modules that are efficient and reusable, dealing with performance issues and architectural problems, integrating data storage solutions and so on. 
  • Developing a PHP web application is quite easy.
  • But first, you must have some basic knowledge of PHP, HTML, CSS, MySQL, and jQuery.
  • These are essential to customizing and application.
  • To create a PHP website, make all your file extensions .php instead of .html.
  • Insert codes as applicable and insert tags.
  • Add more functions as you go to make the application more interactive.

Hiring PHP Developers

There are several things you need to consider while hiring PHP Developer and they are:

The Kind of PHP Developer Suitable for Your Enterprise:
  • PHP developers are generally categorised into beginner, intermediate, and proficient.
  • The level of seniority affects the range of payscale for PHP developers in India.
Seniority Level Annual Salary
Junior-Level PHP Developer
Middle-Level PHP Developer
$60K to $70K
Senior-Level PHP Developer
Full-time or Freelancer:
  • If you need a developer for a long-term project, you should hire full time PHP developer.
  • Otherwise, you should hire PHP freelancer.
  • A full-time developer is likely to be highly dedicated to your enterprise while a freelancer will do the work at the much-reduced cost.
  • Hiring a freelancer will help you reduce your business expenses.  
Which Hiring Source to Select? 
  • When hiring PHP developer, always choose the right source.
  • Ensure that the profile of the candidate is verified.
  • Well-known websites are likely to have experienced candidates with verified profiles.
Creating a Target Profile: 
  • Always create a target profile to specify all your requirements for a candidate you desire to hire.
  • Not all candidates will suit all your needs, and this will help you narrow down the list of applications.  
Screening and Interview: 
  • A proper screening process is essential in determining the right candidate for the job.
  • You may prepare a set of questionnaires as part of the screening process.
  • After the first round of screening always call the selected candidates for an interview.  
Work Experience: 
  • Choosing a candidate with some work experience lets you know the kind of work he or she has done.
  • It also gives you an idea about the variety of projects the candidate is capable of doing. You will be able to determine whether he or she is suitable for your enterprise.  
Terms and Conditions: 
  • It is better to discuss the terms and conditions with the candidate before hiring.
  • Informing the candidate about his or her roles and responsibilities in the position, and the salary prevents confusion. 

Why hire PHP Developer from GlobalEmployees?

According to zippia, 14.2% of PHP Developers are women and 85.8% of PHP Developers are men.Hire php developer

Hiring with us gets you a highly skilled HTML5 Developer with benefits like: 

  • A developer dedicated to your work. 1 Employee 1 Project policy. 
  • No headaches about infrastructure, labor/employment laws, HR costs, etc. 
  • An employee that you choose, not one that’s dumped on you. 
  • Complete Control: Since you are the one driving your work you get a customized development for your specified guidelines. 
  • No Risk: If the employee doesn’t work out, you can get out with short notice without worrying about severance pay, damages or any legal hassles. 
  • You may also hire PHP freelancer with us.

PHP Developer For Hire Interview Questions:

PHP has many uses. It can create, read, and write files. With PHP elements within a database can be modified. Cookies variables can be accessed. It is also possible to encrypt data using PHP.

“Escaping to PHP” refers to the mechanism by which PHP codes stand out among other elements in a page. It reduces the ambiguity in quotes used in the string.

PHP is a server-side language, while JavaScript is a client-side language. Hence, PHP and JavaScript cannot interact directly. PHP can generate JS code that the browser can execute. With the help of the URL, you can pass certain variables back to PHP. Similarly, PHP scripts can also generate HTML. HTML is also client-side language, and so the pieces moved to PHP are received as arrays, objects, and strings.

PHP includes a library called cURL or client URL which allows the user to connect to a URL.  One can retrieve information from it such as it’s HTML content, it’s HTTP headers and so on.  

A session is a global variable stored on the server. Each course has a unique id that is required to retrieve values that are stored. While cookies store small amounts of data, it is possible to save more significant amounts of data in sessions. Closing the browser erases the values of the course by default.

The scope of variables refers to the context which defines the variables. All PHP variables generally have a single range.

What do you know about Memcache? Can you share a single instance of Memcache between several PHP projects? 

Echo and print are used to print the output in the browser. The Echo is more efficient than the print method, but it does not return any value after printing the output. The print method, on the other hand, is slower than the Echo because after generating the result, it returns a Boolean value.

Typecasting refers to the way PHP assigns a particular data type to any variable. PHP, however, does not support datatype in case of variable declaration. Once a value is assigned, the nature of the variable is automatically changed and is called type juggling.

Include() and require() are used to add PHP script from one file to another. When we use an include() function, it shows an error message and continues to execute the script in case of any error. But for require(), the service is used to display an error message and stops running the text after that.  

PHP developers are widely available these days. They are in high demand due to their expertise and variety of skills. Hiring PHP developer can give a definite boost to your company in the business scenario.

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The Process to Hire a Resource is Quite Simple:

  • Submit a job description including experience, qualifications, skill set, project details, etc.
  • Our HR department finds candidates; matches and screens them.
  • Based on the screening process, a consolidated candidate list is submitted to the client. And You select candidates from that list to interview.
  • Once you are done with the interviews, you select the candidate you find fit for the position.
  • Depending on the position, our screening and hiring process spans across 1-2 weeks post receiving the requirement from the clients

Yes. GlobalEmployees submits several resumes of experienced candidates. You can then interview and test any candidate to determine if you’d like to hire them as an employee. Interviews are conducted over the phone or Skype.

Before the employee starts working for you, you have to;

  1. Sign the Contract.
  2. Pay the first month’s invoice.
  3. Pay for the applicable notice period (15 days).

The employee you hire can work in the time slot of your choice (Indian office hours, your office hours, or any other shift). However, you need to inform GlobalEmployees at the very beginning regarding your preferred shift timings for the employee.

We make sure the quality of the work is not impacted because of the time slot. But people do prefer to work during the day, so if you are open to your employee working in the day slot, you will have a bigger pool of resources to choose from.

You work with your remote employee as you would with any of your in-house or resident employee. We provide your employee with all the hardware and infrastructure they need to work for you remotely.

GlobalEmployees can provide your employee with a local telephone number for your area. You can also utilize other tools such as email, Google Chat or video conferencing via Skype etc

Normal business work hours are eight hours a day, from Monday to Friday, throughout the month. This does not include any time taken for breaks or for meals.

If your hired employee is meeting the set goals, it’s clear that they are doing their job. You could also put checks and balances to monitor your employee’s performance and monitor your employee via web cams, remote login software, phone, and instant messenger. In addition to that, our floor managers ensure that your employee is working at all times.

Yes. The GlobalEmployees office is your office extension in India. You are welcome to visit your employee at any point of time.

Yes. Please request to speak to a manager if you would like to bring your employee on-shore.

Yes. Any incentives you offer will be passed on to your employee. All incentives will be paid to your employee via GlobalEmployees only.

No. Your employee is on the payroll of GlobalEmployees. Subsequently, you have no employment tax, insurance, or labor law obligations/liabilities.

We can work with you to store your data locally on your own servers or we can store the data in-house. All data will be protected so that it is saved on a separate work server rather than on the employee’s personal computer. We can also ensure that the employee will not have the ability to send or save data through email or on other data devices such as USB drives.

Yes. It is a mandate for all the employees to sign an NDA. A copy of the same is available upon request. If you want us to sign your NDA, please let us know and we can make arrangements for the same.

All work done by the employee for the client on our premises is the client’s property. The same is specified in the GlobalEmployees contract.

Yes. You can hire a part time employee.

In case of any issue simply get in touch with your dedicated relationship manager at GlobalEmployees via e-mail or phone. GlobalEmployees managers are present 24 hours a day to resolve any of your problems.

We understand that with employees there can be a performance issue and we are always open to discuss and find a solution mutually. Typically, if the performance of a resource is not satisfactory then we endeavor to find a replacement for you. In another situation where a hired resources has delivered a decent performance but has been unable to scale it up, then we will charge you for the number of days the resource has worked and, will refund the remaining amount. We would request you inform of any such dissatisfaction within the span of a week so that we can take appropriate steps. In situations where you have not expressed your dissatisfaction and the resource has delivered considerable amount of work, we will not be responsible. Herein, you are requested to mail us an appropriate notice clearly mentioning the termination of our services.

Yes. If you want to hire an employee, GlobalEmployees requires receipt for the first month’s invoice before the employee actually starts working.

This is because GlobalEmployees enters into a legal contract with the employee you hire. Accordingly, GlobalEmployees is legally liable to provide the employee you hire with a paid notice period. Thus, the fee for the 15 days notice period to terminate our services is required in advance before the employee starts working.

No. There are no hidden charges. The price quoted with each submitted resume is the full and complete cost for the entire service. The only exception is if your employee requires software or hardware that we do not provide and is costly to acquire.

Your employee is entitled to 8 paid holidays in a year. In addition, your employee accumulates one day of paid leave per month. Hence, in one year your employee is entitled to 19 days of paid days off work. Any other days off work are unpaid leaves, for which you will not be charged.

No. GlobalEmployees provides you with a long-term dedicated employee. You work with the same employee every day. Hence, it is not possible to cover the odd absence by an employee. In case your employee requires a substantial time off work, GlobalEmployees can replace the employee.

Your employee will be provided with a new desktop. In addition, your employee will have access to all other computer peripherals such as printer, scanner, fax, headsets, web cams, etc.

Yes. Please speak with one of our managers to check if your additional requirements can be met free of any additional charge.

The entire hiring process takes around 1-2 weeks from the time you submit the requirements. In case you are in a rush to find your employee and start sooner, you could subscribe to our Premium service, which would prioritize your case. The turnaround time with Premium service is around 4-6 business days.

The cost of subscribing to our premium service is $100. This charge would be adjusted in your first month’s invoice, thus it is not an extra charge. And yes, the amount is fully refundable if we are unable to find a suitable candidate for you.

Yes. We can discuss the terms once you submit the requirement.

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Why Hire PHP Developer From GlobalEmployees?

Hiring With GlobalEmployees Gets You A Highly Skilled HTML5 Developer With Benefits Like:

  • A developer dedicated to your work. 1 Employee 1 Project policy.
  • No headaches about infrastructure, labor/employment laws, HR costs, etc.
  • An employee that you choose, not one that’s dumped on you.
  • Complete Control: Since you are the one driving your work you get a customized development for your specified guidelines.
  • No Risk: If the employee doesn’t work out, you can get out with short notice without worrying about severance pay, damages or any legal hassles.
  • You may also hire PHP developer freelance with us.

The Overall Process To Hire A PHP Developer Usually Takes Up To 2 Weeks From The Time You Convey The Requirements.