
Hire Java Developers Just At $1190 a month!

Java is a programming language and computing platform. Sun Microsystems first released it in 1995. Lots of applications and websites do not work unless you install Java on your system. Java is fast, secure, and reliable. You can find Java everywhere. From laptops to datacenters, game consoles to scientific supercomputers, cell phones to the Internet, everywhere. It is an object-oriented language with advanced and simplified features. Java is free to access and can run on all platforms. Java is a concurrent, class-based and independent programming language. It is a computing platform where you can develop applications. It’s because of this ever present nature of Java that companies/businesses are on a spree to hire java developers to develop their own business applications.

How To Hire Java Developers With GlobalEmployees?

Java Developers For Hire At Global Employees, Take A Look!

Java Developer

2 Years Experience
Get At Just $1190 a Month
Junior Developer With 2+ Years of Experience
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Java Developer

5 Years Experience
Get At Just $1590 a Month
Mid-Level Developer With 5+ Years Experience
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Java Developer

10 Years Experience
Get At Just $2190 a Month
Highly Skilled Senior Developer With 10+ Years of Experience
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Features Of Java:

Web Developers are experts in object-oriented programming, multiplatform development, and web-application c

  • Simple: Java removes all complexities such as pointers, operator overloading as you see any other programming language.

  • Portable: With Java, you can easily port any application written on one platform to another platform.

  • Object-Oriented: Java performs all the operations using only objects that possess some state and behavior.

  • Secured: Java does not use an explicit pointer and run the programs inside the sandbox to avoid activities from risky sources. It enables the programmer to develop virus-free, tamper-free systems/applications.

  • Dynamic: Java adapts to any evolving environment which supports dynamic memory allocation. Hence, it reduces memory wastage and enhances the performance of the application.

  • Distributed: Java helps create distributed applications. Using Remote Method Invocation (RMI), a program can adduce a method of another program across a network and generate the output.
  • Robust: Java comes with a secure memory management system. It eliminates errors by checks the code during compilation and run time.

  • High Performance: Java achieves high performance by using bytecode. Programmers can easily translate Bytecode into native machine code. Java uses JIT (Just-In-Time) compilers to enable high performance.

  • Interpreted: A programmer compiles Java to bytecodes. A Java run-time environment interprets these bytecodes.

  • Multithreaded: Java supports multiple threads of execution (a.k.a., lightweight processes), including a set of synchronization primitives. It makes programming with threads much more manageable.

Components In Java Application Development:

  • JVM (Java Virtual Machine): JVM is an abstract machine that provides a run-time environment in which you can execute Java bytecode. It follows three notations, namely, specification, implementation and run time instance.

  • JRE (Java Runtime Environment): JRE refers to a runtime environment in which you can execute Java bytecode. It implements the JVM and provides all the class libraries and other support files that JVM uses during run time. It is a software package inclusive of the requirements in running a Java program.

  • JDK(Java Development Kit): It is a tool that enables compiling, documenting and packaging Java programs. You get the Java Development Kit for free. It includes JRE, an interpreter, a compiler, an archiver (jar), a documentation generator and other tools for Java development.

Utilities Of Java App Development:

Java Has Its Utilities In The Following Domains

  • Java is used in the banking sector to deal with transaction management.

  • It has its utilities in the retail industry in billing applications in any store/restaurant.

  • Java is designed to solve implementation dependencies in Information Technology

  • Android Applications are either written in Java or use Java API.

  • Java is used in server-side applications to provide financial services.

  • Java is used in the stock market to write algorithms to suggest which company they should invest in.

  • In the field of Big Data, Hadoop MapReduce framework is written using Java.

  • Java has its utilities in the Scientific and Research Community to manage a massive amount of data.

Java Applications:

A successful Web Developer must have strong technical coding skills and must thoroughly know how to implement those concerning Internet conventions and web applications. They also need to have a balanced blend of soft skills, including the capability to communicate. They must be proficient in analytical problem-solving. The following technical skills are essential in web development: 

Java is used to design the following applications:

  • Desktop GUI applications.
  • Embedded systems.
  • Web servers and application servers.
  • Mobile applications including Android applications.
  • Enterprise applications.
  • Scientific applications.
  • Middleware products.
  • Web applications, including eCommerce applications, front and back office electronic trading systems, settlement and confirmation systems, data processing projects, and more.

Advantages Of Java:

  • Java provides higher cross-functionality and portability.
  • Java is free, simple, object-oriented, distributed, supports multi-threading.
  • Java offers multimedia and network support.
  • Java is stable and predictable. The Java Class Library enables cross-platform development.
  • Java has a large active user community and support available, because it is accessible at the enterprise, embedded and network level.
  • Java programs are independent of the platform in a bytecode language. It helps the same application to run on any machine that has JVM.
  • Java has highly useful developmental tools that include the Eclipse SDK and NetBeans. These tools have debugging capabilities and offer integrated development environment.
  • Java has a vivid with Scala, Groovy, JRuby, and Clojure.
  • Java was designed to be easy to use, and it is easy to write, compile, debug, and learn than other programming languages.
  • Java allows you to create modular programs and reusable code.

How To Become A Java Expert?

Keep Enhancing and Updating your Technical Skills:

You need to attend conferences to learn the latest developments in Java. You have to exploit the learning opportunities like hands-on training or coursework. You must review tutorials on crucial aspects, like minimizing code in loops to boost speed or reducing memory gaps. You can add to your knowledge by participating in developer communities.

Enhance Your Soft Skills

As a Java developer, you must have competent technical skills. But you need to have soft skills as well. You can become a better Java developer by inducing the essential interpersonal skills like communication, problem-solving, and customer service. You need to be able to collaborate with colleagues from other departments by improving your written and verbal communication abilities. It will help you provide engaging and informative presentations to audiences who are fluent in Java. You have to come up with solutions and workarounds for complex coding problems. You need to make the needs of end-users your priority. All of these interpersonal skills will increase your value to an employer. Soft Skills are valued by companies when they hire java developers.

Keep Learning New Languages

Even if you know all about Java, you must not stop there. If you have a firm grasp over more than one programming language, you will be able to enhance your problem-solving abilities. It will increase your value as a competent Java developer. When you are learning a new language, you can view a problem from multiple perspectives, getting yourself a few steps closer to the ideal solution. You could begin with Scala that inter-operates with Java and runs on JVM.

Give Sufficient Importance and Attention to Project Work

Several firms offer opportunities for career development through online training and coursework, certification programs, webinars and also mentor ships. Hiring agencies connect you with relevant consulting or project-based work. With interim tech work, you can expand your skill set and learn to work in diverse environments.

Java Developer Job Description

  • BS/MS degree in Computer Science, Engineering or a related subject.

  • He must show proven hands-on Software Development experience.

  • Proven working experience in Java development.

  • He must have hands-on experience in designing and developing applications using Java EE platforms.

  • He should be competent in object-oriented analysis and design using common design patterns.

  • Profound insight of Java and JEE internals (Classloading, Memory Management, Transaction management etc.)

  • Excellent knowledge of Relational Databases, SQL and ORM technologies (JPA2, Hibernate).

  • Experience in the Spring Framework.

  • Experience as a Sun Certified Java Developer.

  • He should have experience in developing web applications using at least one popular web framework (JSF, Wicket, GWT, Spring MVC).

  • Experience with test-driven development.

Java Developer Job Responsibilities

  • A Java developer must contribute to all phases of the development ecosystem.

  • He must be able to write suitably designed, testable, efficient codes.

  • He must work in designs that complement the specifications.

  • He has to prepare and present releases of software components.

  • The developer must keep making improvements by investigating alternatives and technologies. He needs to present these for architectural review further. 

Tips To Hire Java Developer

Study and Identify the Java Application Development Requirements

You first need to define the application requirements before you begin with the hiring process. The specifications have their basis on your organizational objectives. They depend on how your product or solution will address those objectives and the needs of the consumers. You need to address the following questions:

  • What is the aim of the application?

  • How will it address the user-requirements?

  • What existing process will the application improve?

  • What is the long-term goal of the solution?

  • What features does it require?

  • What is the monetization model?

Once you have addressed all of these aspects of your Java development project, you can move ahead. Now, you can hire JavaScript developers based on your business-specific needs, from a suitable Java development company.

Identify the Category of Your Java App Development Project

Every Java Development Project has its unique technical requirements. Here is a list of Java solutions that you need to analyze to identify the category of your app development project.

  • Java Web Development: For this, you need full-stack Java web developers with experience in building user-friendly web applications.

  • Custom Java Application Development: For this, you need to hire Senior Java Developers with experience in creating enterprise applications.

  • Java Games Development: For this, you must hire Senior Java application Developers with thorough knowledge of Meta & ScreenKit.

  • Java Product Development: For this, you will need Professional Java Programmers who have in-depth knowledge about product ideation, screening, requirement analysis, and execution.

  • Java System Integration: For this, you could hire with a low budget from among Java Developers in India, who can integrate your Java application with the framework of your choice.

  • Java App Upgradation and Migration: For this, you will require Certified Java Programmers who have the working knowledge of the latest version of tools and frameworks. You must find someone who will also be able to advise you on migration preparedness.

  • Java Maintenance and Support: For continuous maintenance and support, it’s better to hire JavaScript developers from India, with ultimate knowledge of product maintenance and support, is the best option.

Specialization in Specific Industrial Sectors

If you want to build a Java team for your specific business needs, then you must hire a Java developer professional with a specialization in the industry in which your business functions. In this way, you will be able to provide highly optimized Java programming solutions. Java is widely instrumental in building secure and reliable applications for different industry verticals that include Healthcare, Retail & eCommerce, Hospitality, Banking & Finance, Education and E-learning.

Look for Developers Who Can Leverage Various Java Frameworks and Technologies

The Java programming language develops a range of mobile and web applications. Some of the popular Java frameworks include JSF, Strut, Grails, Play, Spring, Maven, etc. A developer may know the specific framework that you require, but he may not be competent at it. So, before you hire, to need to make sure that the developer excels in designing, developing, and integrating on the required Java technologies.

Flexible Engagement Model

You must identify the best suited Java developer engagement model for your project. You can hire certified Java Programmers on an hourly, part-time or full-time basis, depending upon your requirements. The two most common hiring models include Dedicated Java Team Hiring Model and Fixed Price Java Hiring Model. You must choose accordingly.

Interview Every Certified Java Developer

Do not make a mistake by hiring a Java team outright. You need to interview every Java app developer to make sure the person is capable of understanding your needs and fulfilling to your expectations and goals.

Interview the candidates on parameters that include:

Development Skills: In-depth knowledge of MVC, JDBC, and RESTful, along with deep understanding of OOPS and OODS, Spring MVC technologies, algorithms & design patterns.

Tools: Java expert in Seam, Hibernate, Android Studio, GradleMaps Store and working experience of Spring, ORMLite, Corona SDK, CachingTouch, and Weld. Make sure the developer is adept at EventBus, EJB, and Android NDK.

Essential Potential: Expertise in Wire-frames, UI Design, Concept Design, AR, and APIs.

Match the skill-set you need with every developer and take a decision relying on the result of the interviews conducted.

Check Out for Case Studies

You must have a look into Java Application Development Project Samples of the developers you choose to hire. It will help you determine their efficiency and agility in creating projects for national and international clients.

Tips in summary:

Before you begin the hiring process, you need minutely analyze your requirements and categorize your Java app development project. Choose only those developers who specialize in your industry. Conduct rigorous interview and identify their strengths in core Java framework. Find out which software development methodology they follow. Don’t just believe in their claims. You better check for references.

Java Developer Interview Questions

Why is Java Called the ‘Platform Independent Programming Language’?

Platform independence means that the execution of your program does not become dependent on the type of operating system. So you compile code just once and run it on any System. Java is both compiler and interpreter based. Your java source code is first compiled into byte code using the compiler. This byte code is converted into equivalent machine code using Java Virtual Machine (JVM). JVM is available in all operating systems. Therefore, the byte code that javac generates is universal, and you can convert it into machine code on any operating system. It makes Java the ‘Platform Independent Programming Language.’

Define Final Keyword in Java?

Final keyword in java restricts of variable, class and method.
Variable: Value of Final variable is constant; you cannot change it.
Method: You cannot override a final method.
Class: You cannot inherit from Final class.

What Does the Super Keyword Refer?

Super keyword refers to immediate parent class constructor, prompt parent class variable, and instant parent class method.

Differentiate Between StringBuffer and String?

String is an immutable class. You cannot modify its content once you create it. On the other hand, StringBuffer is a mutable class. You can change its content even after you create it. Whenever you alter the content of the String object, it creates a new string, and it does not modify the existing one. Hence, the performance with StringBuffer is better than with String. 

Why Does Java Not Support Multiple Inheritance?
Java supports multiple inheritance but not through classes. It supports only through its interfaces. It Keeps Java as a Simple Object-Oriented Language. For instance, with C++, there is a particular case of multiple inheritance where you have numerous inheritance with two classes which have methods in conflicts. So, Java developers avoid such disputes and do not allow multiple inheritance through classes at all.

Can a Top-Level Class be Private or Protected?

You cannot make top-level classes in java, private or protected. But you can keep inner classes in java private or protected. It is because nobody can see a private class and hence, they cannot use it. Declaring a class as protected also does not make much sense. The only difference between default visibility and protected visibility is that we can use it in any package inheritance. Since in java there is no such concept of package inheritance, defining a class as protected is same as default.

Differentiate difference between ‘throw’ and ‘throws’ in Java Exception Handling?
Throw keyword is used to throw Exception from any method or static block whereas throws are used to indicate that which Exception can be thrown by this method. If any method throws checked Exception, then the caller can either handle this exception or can re-throw it by declaring another ‘throws’ clause in a method declaration. You can use throw clause in any part of code where you feel a specific exception needs to be thrown to the calling method.

Throw Keyword Is Used To Throw Exception From Any Method Or Static Block Throws Are Used To Indicate That Which Exception Can Be Thrown By This Method
If Any Method Throws Checked Exception, Then The Caller Can Handle This Exception Caller Can Re-Throw It By Declaring Another ‘Throws' Clause In The Method Declaration.
You Can Use Throw Clause In Any Part Of Code Where You Feel A Specific Exception Needs To Be Thrown To The Calling Method You Cannot Do That With Throws

Describe Finalize() Method?

You do not need to destroy objects explicitly in Java. ‘Garbage Collector‘ does that automatically for you. It checks if no references to an object exist. If so, it assumes that object to be no longer required, and it can free. Sometimes an object can hold non-java resources such as file handle or database connection. Then you want to make sure that you release these resources before it destroys the object. To perform such operation, Java provides protected void finalize() in the object class. You can override this method in your class and your tasks. Right before an, you free an object; the java run time calls the finalize() method on that object.

What Will Happen if You Put System.exit(0) on the Try or Catch Block?

By Calling System.exit(0) in try or catch block, you can skip the finally block. System. Exit (int) method can throw a SecurityException. If System.exit(0) exits the JVM without throwing that exception, then finally ‘block’ will not execute. But, if System.exit(0) does throw security exception, then finally block will be subject to execution.

Differentiate Between Set and List Interface?
Set and List both are child interface of Collection interface. List can hold duplicate values, but Set doesn’t allow that. In List interface data is present in the order you insert but in Set insertion order is not preserved.

Benefits Of Hiring Java Developers In India

  • Cost-Efficient Customer-Oriented Services.
  • Years of Experience in Website and Software Development.
  • Practical Project-Completion/Execution Knowledge.
  • Wide-Ranging Technical Support.
  • Globalized Client Satisfaction.
  • Experts at Designing and Creating Java Service-Oriented Architecture.
  • Financial Solution.

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The Process to Hire a Resource is Quite Simple:

  • Submit a job description including experience, qualifications, skill set, project details, etc.
  • Our HR department finds candidates; matches and screens them.
  • Based on the screening process, a consolidated candidate list is submitted to the client. And You select candidates from that list to interview.
  • Once you are done with the interviews, you select the candidate you find fit for the position.
  • Depending on the position, our screening and hiring process spans across 1-2 weeks post receiving the requirement from the clients

Yes. GlobalEmployees submits several resumes of experienced candidates. You can then interview and test any candidate to determine if you’d like to hire them as an employee. Interviews are conducted over the phone or Skype.

Before the employee starts working for you, you have to;

  1. Sign the Contract.
  2. Pay the first month’s invoice.
  3. Pay for the applicable notice period (15 days).

The employee you hire can work in the time slot of your choice (Indian office hours, your office hours, or any other shift). However, you need to inform GlobalEmployees at the very beginning regarding your preferred shift timings for the employee.

We make sure the quality of the work is not impacted because of the time slot. But people do prefer to work during the day, so if you are open to your employee working in the day slot, you will have a bigger pool of resources to choose from.

You work with your remote employee as you would with any of your in-house or resident employee. We provide your employee with all the hardware and infrastructure they need to work for you remotely.

GlobalEmployees can provide your employee with a local telephone number for your area. You can also utilize other tools such as email, Google Chat or video conferencing via Skype etc

Normal business work hours are eight hours a day, from Monday to Friday, throughout the month. This does not include any time taken for breaks or for meals.

If your hired employee is meeting the set goals, it’s clear that they are doing their job. You could also put checks and balances to monitor your employee’s performance and monitor your employee via web cams, remote login software, phone, and instant messenger. In addition to that, our floor managers ensure that your employee is working at all times.

Yes. The GlobalEmployees office is your office extension in India. You are welcome to visit your employee at any point of time.

Yes. Please request to speak to a manager if you would like to bring your employee on-shore.

Yes. Any incentives you offer will be passed on to your employee. All incentives will be paid to your employee via GlobalEmployees only.

No. Your employee is on the payroll of GlobalEmployees. Subsequently, you have no employment tax, insurance, or labor law obligations/liabilities.

We can work with you to store your data locally on your own servers or we can store the data in-house. All data will be protected so that it is saved on a separate work server rather than on the employee’s personal computer. We can also ensure that the employee will not have the ability to send or save data through email or on other data devices such as USB drives.

Yes. It is a mandate for all the employees to sign an NDA. A copy of the same is available upon request. If you want us to sign your NDA, please let us know and we can make arrangements for the same.

All work done by the employee for the client on our premises is the client’s property. The same is specified in the GlobalEmployees contract.

Yes. You can hire a part time employee.

In case of any issue simply get in touch with your dedicated relationship manager at GlobalEmployees via e-mail or phone. GlobalEmployees managers are present 24 hours a day to resolve any of your problems.

We understand that with employees there can be a performance issue and we are always open to discuss and find a solution mutually. Typically, if the performance of a resource is not satisfactory then we endeavor to find a replacement for you. In another situation where a hired resources has delivered a decent performance but has been unable to scale it up, then we will charge you for the number of days the resource has worked and, will refund the remaining amount. We would request you inform of any such dissatisfaction within the span of a week so that we can take appropriate steps. In situations where you have not expressed your dissatisfaction and the resource has delivered considerable amount of work, we will not be responsible. Herein, you are requested to mail us an appropriate notice clearly mentioning the termination of our services.

Yes. If you want to hire an employee, GlobalEmployees requires receipt for the first month’s invoice before the employee actually starts working.

This is because GlobalEmployees enters into a legal contract with the employee you hire. Accordingly, GlobalEmployees is legally liable to provide the employee you hire with a paid notice period. Thus, the fee for the 15 days notice period to terminate our services is required in advance before the employee starts working.

No. There are no hidden charges. The price quoted with each submitted resume is the full and complete cost for the entire service. The only exception is if your employee requires software or hardware that we do not provide and is costly to acquire.

Your employee is entitled to 8 paid holidays in a year. In addition, your employee accumulates one day of paid leave per month. Hence, in one year your employee is entitled to 19 days of paid days off work. Any other days off work are unpaid leaves, for which you will not be charged.

No. GlobalEmployees provides you with a long-term dedicated employee. You work with the same employee every day. Hence, it is not possible to cover the odd absence by an employee. In case your employee requires a substantial time off work, GlobalEmployees can replace the employee.

Your employee will be provided with a new desktop. In addition, your employee will have access to all other computer peripherals such as printer, scanner, fax, headsets, web cams, etc.

Yes. Please speak with one of our managers to check if your additional requirements can be met free of any additional charge.

The entire hiring process takes around 1-2 weeks from the time you submit the requirements. In case you are in a rush to find your employee and start sooner, you could subscribe to our Premium service, which would prioritize your case. The turnaround time with Premium service is around 4-6 business days.

The cost of subscribing to our premium service is $100. This charge would be adjusted in your first month’s invoice, thus it is not an extra charge. And yes, the amount is fully refundable if we are unable to find a suitable candidate for you.

Yes. We can discuss the terms once you submit the requirement.

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Why Hire Java Developers From GlobalEmployees?

On Hiring With GlobalEmployees, You Get A Remote Java Developer With Following Benefits:
  • No headaches about infrastructure, labor/employment laws, HR costs, additional employee benefits, etc.
  • A developer dedicated to your work. 1 Project for 1 Employee policy.
  • An employee that you choose, not one that’s dumped on you.
  • Complete Control: Since you are the one driving your work you get a customized development to your specified guidelines.
  • No Risk: If the employee doesn’t work out, you can get out with a short notice without worrying about severance pay, damages or any other legal hassles.

The Overall Process To Hire Javascript Developers Usually Takes 1-2 Weeks From The Time You Convey The Requirements.