
Hire Instructional designers from India for as low as $990 per month

Instructional Design is the science of tailoring instructional modules based on the learning design principles. Corporate training, assessments, presentations, employee training- all fall within the purview of instructional design. The theory of instructional design is mostly used in the domain of e-learning which in the broader sense encompasses anything that involves freezing of the learning objects and creating assessments. With digitization making rippling impact in all aspects of day to day life, it is imperative that the success of the training and education industry largely depends on the collaboration of tools and technologies. Learning has become more self-paced whereby the learner can access the training module virtually and can go through it as per his convenience. To tailor CBT, WBT and online courses, it is important to hire Instructional designers who have AICC SCORM certification.

Instructional designing calls for a thorough implementation of Bloom’s taxonomy and instructional design models. An instructional designer is not only responsible for the content to be delivered but also for the medium of instruction, course structure, design document, LMS, delivery and testing. Communication skills are of utmost importance because an instructional designer has to not only communicate with the internal team but also with the client and the subject matter experts. The instructional design services that we offer are:

Soft-skill Training

Storyboard Development

Course-ware Development

E-Learning Consultancy


E-learning Module Design

E-learning Module Development

Process Training

Product Training


Benefits Of Hiring Instructional Designer From GlobalEmployees

Hiring a dedicated instructional designer through GlobalEmployees can help you save up to 70% of the cost spent on per employee without having to compromise on the quality of work.

The prices we quote are inclusive of employee’s salary and all other non work related requirements which includes:

Office Space


Commonly Available Software


Technical Support

Employment Tax, Labor Law & Insurance

How To Hire An Instructional Designer With GlobalEmployees

To hire an Instructional Designer at GlobalEmployees, it is imperative to state your requirement as well as the profile of the candidate inclusive of qualification, number of years of experience etc.

Our HR department finds suitable Instructional Designer and screens them.

Based on the results of the screening process, a list of suitable Instructional Designer is submitted to you

You select candidates from that list and interview them subsequently.

Once you are through with the interviews, you select the candidate you’d like to move forward with or let us know if you want more options

How Will Your Instructional Designer Work From India?

Your dedicated Instructional Designer can work parallel in accordance to the working hours as yours.

You possess the freedom to assign work and monitor/supervise work directly.

Your dedicated Instructional Designer will work from our office, wherein they can be monitored and supervised by a manager and HR executive. They will ensure that the developers are working efficiently and from a professional office environment.

Hire The Best Animators With GlobalEmployees And Save Up To 70% Per Employee…