
Cloud Developers at $1290 per month

There has been a paradigm shift in the way in which business processes is carried out these days. Business owner from across the world are primarily concerned with two things, cost cutting and resource optimization. Cloud computing is one such technology that promises both. Cloud computing embodies “the principle of using a network of remote servers hosted on the internet to store, manage and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer.” Going by the definition, it is very safe to conclude that cloud computing is nothing short of technological revolution transforming the way in which companies have been storing, distributing and accessing information and relevant data. Since Cloud computing is regarded as a pragmatic gateway of ushering cost optimization and infrastructural efficiency, therefore there is an increasing trend to hire cloud developers.

Cloud computing has profoundly altered the purview of delivering IT services. Similar to the electricity distributed on the electrical grid, cloud computing is a virtual computing grid that shares the resources to individuals and enterprises in need of it.

Cloud Computing Services Are Divided Into 3 Main Categories

Software As A Service (SaaS):

SaaS extends software application offered to enterprises who seek for it. It is driven by the service on demand philosophy.

Platform As A Service (PaaS):

PaaS extends a framework to the customers or enterprise to develop application as per the need of one’s business requirement.

Infrastructure As A Service (IaaS):

IaaS extends services such as storage and database management on demand to individuals and enterprises.

Abreast with the global frenzy over cloud computing GlobalEmployees is aware of the innate demand to hire computing developers. To enable overseas clients to hire the best cloud computing developers GlobalEmployees offers a bouquet or IT outsourcing services. If you are considering to hire cloud developers with optimum experience and talent, contact us today.

How To Hire Cloud Developers With GlobalEmployees?

To hire a cloud computing developer at GlobalEmployees, it is imperative to state your requirement as well as the profile of the candidate inclusive of qualification, number of years of experience etc.Then, our HR department finds suitable cloud computing developer and screens them.Based on the results of the screening process, a list of suitable cloud computing developer is submitted to you. You select candidates from that list and interview them subsequently.Once you are through with the interviews, you select the candidate you’d like to move forward with or let us know if you want more options.

Benefits Of Hiring Cloud Developers From GlobalEmployees

Cloud computing developers must have the skills and expertise as well as the knack to determine the need to the client which is always project or target specific. Hiring a dedicated cloud computing developer through GlobalEmployees will help you save up to 70% of the cost spent on per employee without having to compromise on the quality of work. The increasing need to hire cloud computing developer is clearly attached to the many attributes that the framework offers. Some of the benefits of cloud computing may be summarized in the following points.

Cost Effectiveness

Resource Optimization

Flexibility & Scalability

How Will Your Cloud App Developer Work From India?

Your dedicated cloud computing developer can work parallel in accordance to the working hours as yours.

You possess the freedom to assign work and monitor/supervise work directly.

Your dedicated cloud computing developer will work from our office, wherein they can be monitored and supervised by a manager and HR executive. They will ensure that the developers are working efficiently and from a professional office environment.

Cloud Application Development Experts With GlobalEmployees, Save Up To 70% Per Hire!